Saturday, July 25, 2015

Angel in China.

An angel looking like human being but with wings has been seen in china which
made the local people amazed.

People around there said that this angel was fallen off the sky,she looks very
old.People were so amazed.

They also  clicked the pictures.But this angel was artificial they said. Artists Sun Yuan and Peng Yu are famous for their controversial artwork and they created this angel.

'Angel' depicting old woman with wings and has shocked many art lovers.
Their work has previously featured at the Saatchi Gallery in London.

The disturbing sculpture depicts an old woman lying tangled on the ground.
To illustrate her fall from grace, the woman also sports featherless wings on her

The artists created the piece using silica gel, fiberglass, stainless steel and woven mesh.
However, these materials are pretty tame for the pair.
They have been known to use human fat tissue, live animals and baby cadavers
in order to challenge perceptions about death and the human condition.


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